What can $50 do?

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What can $50 do?

  • $50 pays for a lock change or door repair so victims can feel safe in their own homes.
  • $50 provides a gas card for a victim to travel to and from Faces of Hope for vital services.
  • $50 allows a victim to sit down with one of our trained Advocates to create a safety plan specific to their physical, psychological, and emotional needs.
  • $50 feeds a struggling family with a grocery card.
  • $50 gives victims the freedom of using a TracFone that cannot be monitored by an abuser.
  • $50 is half of a safe night in a hotel.

These are essential needs for those in crisis. Donations ensure that Faces of Hope can continue to provide immediate wrap-around support to every victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and stalking. When they walk through the door of Faces’ Center, they can start their journey of healing. 

Donate today at http://weblink.donorperfect.com/faces_donate
